1+1 Double Mains Toilet 8Ft x 5Ft (Bottle Green)

1+1 Double Mains Toilet 8Ft x 5Ft (Bottle Green)

Double Mains Toilet Features
Two toilets
Steel construction
Steel entrance door
Stands on corner posts, no jacklegs required


This double mains toilet in bottle green is available for sale.

Galvanised steel sheet, coated on both sides, as well as PU-foam heat and sound insulation of the walls and the cement bound chipboard floor plate guarantee an extremely long product life-span. They are fully equipped and immediately ready for use.

Double Mains Toilet Features

  • Two toilets
  • Steel construction
  • Steel entrance door
  • Stands on corner posts, no jacklegs required


  • Aluminium checked floor
  • Limpiar los paneles de pared
  • Paredes y techos aislados
  • 2 x WC’s, 2 x basins
  • Lighting
  • Extractor fan

Especificaciones del producto

Longitud exterior (m)2.4
Anchura exterior (m)1.4
Altura exterior (m)2.55
Longitud interior (m)2.3
Anchura interior (m)1.32
Altura interior (m)2.45
Anchura de la puerta (m)0.788
Altura de la puerta (m)1.9
Tipo de sueloAluminium
Número de ventanas0
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