4M X 2.1M Flat Pack Container Store – Galvanised

4M X 2.1M Flat Pack Container Store – Galvanised

This collapsible 4m Flat Packed store is light enough to be man handled and the components are small enough to fit through small passageways. No need for cranes, forklifts or specialist tools. Just a socket set – and you’re away!


Eliminar artículoImagen en miniaturaProductoPrecioCantidadSubtotal
× Contenedor Hi Cube de 20 pies (9′ 6″ de altura) apto para almacenamiento IBC Puerta corredera £2,179.80
× 20Ft X 8Ft Open Side Bunded Open Mesh Floor Store £7,505.23
× one trip shipping containers for sale uk Contenedor marítimo de 20 pies (un viaje) Blanco (RAL 9003) £1,790.55
× Contenedor marítimo de 20 pies (un viaje) - Verde oscuro £1,876.31
× Contenedor Cubo 40Ft Alto - Un Viaje (9Ft 6″ Alto) £6,461.56

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